Friday, September 20, 2013


I like to grill out a lot. Whoever is doing the grilling never gets to eat much, but they do receive a lot of respect. It’s a skill. It takes an individual willing to damage his respiratory system to take on this task. If he keeps it up, within 5 months, he’ll probably die from emphysema. His death however would be honorable.

Outdoor activities are fun when there aren’t any mosquitos or UV radiation; basically remove all the properties of our atmosphere and keep the insect free grass. This is why I hate college football and love NFL domes. If we have the technology to protect ourselves from mother-nature, why don’t we?

Technology is developing at a very rapid pace. We have LED TV’s that are paper thin, eye wear that has GPS on it, and even robotic surgery. I decided to quit school once I discovered every single discipline of knowledge based skills will soon be replaced by robots. I’m investing my loan money in a couple of robots and Bill Gates genome.

The study of human genes is going to allow medicine to become more personalized. Certain drugs work differently on certain individuals, due to their genetic make-up. Basically what I’m trying to say, if you’re an Ashkenazi Jew, Asian, or African American, you’re screwed. They will know if you have Tay-Sachs, a thalassemia, or sickle cell. If they prove a genetic link to obesity, white people are screwed too. Good luck getting insured with that codon.

Why is this world so mean? Why can’t we distribute our wealth equally? And yes, when I say wealth, I mean Adderall. If we gave more Adderall to homeless populations, maybe they could think their way out of their situation and find some success. They don’t need your food or money, they need focus!!! A lamb can provide you with food clothing and shelter; we can’t just give everyone a lamb. Adderall is cheaper and will do a better job.

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