Wednesday, December 11, 2013


There is this third world country. They elected a president who likes to push people until they complain and stand up for their rights. He created a toll road. He charged 1 currency for the path. No one complained. He raised it to two currencies. Maybe two or three people said something to the individuals manning the toll booths. He then raised it to five currencies and got the workers manning the toll booth to hit all drivers with a shoe once. No one complained. He wanted his people to stand up for their rights and have the toll booth removed, they just had to ask. The president then took it up a notch and raised it to 6 currencies and 5 hits by the shoe. Frustrated citizens went to visit the president to finally complain. The president was excited. He has been waiting for this moment. He was proud to see his countrymen to stand up for their beliefs.

The citizens walked up to the president and said, “Mr. President, the toll booth is causing us problems. It is really slowing down traffic by having one person hit us five times; it would be easier if you had five people hitting us once each. Traffic would be a lot smoother.” 

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